Wednesday, February 11

Bailey - She was quite, shy and only 7 when I met her. You couldn't ask for a better kid. We have a great "stepmom & daughter" relationship. I miss her when she isn't here. When she was younger, Ryan would tease her about slobbering out her tooth hole after she started to loose her baby teeth, he would tickle her so bad, you knew he would end up with it on him. And that laugh of her's is the best. My mom love's Bailey's laugh. Now she is big enough that she picks on her dad and it is pretty funny to watch them. She was pretty much a daddy's girl when she would come over. NOT SO MUCH NOW. She likes to hang out with me. Ha-Ha Ryan. I always tell him that if we ever split up Bailey would want to come with me on the weekends instead of him. But, she keeps him right where we need him. "Bailey go tell your dad we need money to go shopping or for movies", she comes back with cash. I ask and that selective hearing kicks in. When she is here I don't feel like the only adult in the house. But don't mess with her when she's asleep, you may end up with a black eye. If she falls asleep in our bed watching T.V. I sleep on the couch. I'm scared of her. Will see how things go the next couple years, boys, driving, date's.
Kylee - She is so much like me that it is scary. We butt heads on a daily basis, you would think
she was a teenager already. Not looking forward to that. She loves to dress up, dance, talk, sing, and even watch herself cry in front of the mirror. Turns on her Ipod and you can hear her through the whole house. She can play quite by herself for hours. But can make a mess like no other. Ask her to pick it up and she tells you her leg hurts, she's tired or just ignores you all together. Knowing
I will finally give in and do it. She has dad wrapped of course, when it's bedtime or time to clean up she runs to Ryan with her deal breaker. "Daddy I will scratch your back if I can watch T.V. in your room." And hook, line and sinker. She told me one day that she wanted to be a veterinarian when she grows up, and she would have to stop eating meat. I looked at her funny and explained that vegetarian's don't eat meat not vet's. Some of the things she comes up with will keep you laughing. What can I say she's my baby girl.

Monday, February 2




Mason - My first born, you would never know he was 4lbs 9oz. When he was about 4 years old he was going to preschool and everyday when we would get home he had a handful of pee-gravel in his pocket for me because I like to collect rocks, so I would put them in this little jar. After about a week or so of bringing them home. I picked him up and he had the saddest look on his face and I asked what was wrong and the teacher asked him. He got tears in his eyes and said
the teacher on the playground told me I couldn't take my mom anymore rocks because they would run out. She told him it's ok take as many home for your mom as you want. What I wouldn't give to get a handful now. I think I could still fit a few more in the jar. Now we are doing the pre-teen thing. Wish me luck.

Braxton - How cute is he?? Ask his Grammy Betty how cute. She came home and Papa and Daddy where watching him and he took powder and lotion out of the bathroom wiped, painted and dumped it all over her bedroom. TROUBLE. It wasn't real funny but I had to laugh a little. Cuz I thought welcome to my world. Now if you can't find him just look in his Dad's back pocket or in Papa's work shop.


Maybe you should grab a snack and use the potty first. Ryan says I talk to much, and ya I do, but I will try not to use proper grammar and puncutation to save time. I don't want anyone to miss anything. I figure when my kids have finally pushed me over the edge, and I'm sitting in a rocking chair with slobber on my chin. (inside joke with kids) You will be the ones to carry on my memories. Really my kids are great and I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything. Are things really as easy as they look for everyone else or do you have to put yourself in time out in the closet and scream into a pillow? My kids just yell louder till I finally answer them.